Parenting is complex and ever-changing. Children move through developmental stages, with unique temperaments and personalities. Social issues influence families and young people in many ways.

The articles below consider some common themes and offer practical suggestions for parents and caregivers.

A number of the articles below have been published on The Parents Website

The Procrastination Trap

Procrastination is of the most common causes of underachievement, frustration and stress.

Click here to read about what may underlie procrastination and practical strategies which may help break the procrastination cycle.

Steps to Self-Esteem

A healthy self-esteem is a great springboard for life. Learn about what makes up self-esteem and how parents can build self-esteem in their children and teenagers here.

Family Meetings

Families are teams who live and work together. Involving all family members in conversations about solving problems, raising concerns and plan for shared times, can be a great way to build harmony and cooperation.

Learn more about how to run a family meeting here.

Advocating for Your Child

All parents are advocates for their child throughout their educational journey. For some children, their additional needs make this role even more important. This article gives ten key strategies to help parents champion their child at school. Click here to read more.

Managing Sibling Conflict

If you have more than one child, you will almost certainly have experienced your children fighting, provoking each other, or competing for possessions, power or attention. Whilst very common, conflict between siblings can be disruptive and frustrating, shattering our notion of a harmonious household and happy family. Click here to learn how to manage sibling conflict in constructive ways.

Testing Times

Feeling anxious about tests, exams and other performance situations is very common. Here are some helpful ideas to help young people lower these nerves and develop more confidence when under pressure.

Listening - the Heart of Connecting

Being a good listener builds relationships, validates feelings and helps explore solutions. But listening is harder than it seems. This article shares some common hurdles and helpful tips for parents to hone their listening skills.

The place of consequences in positive discipline

Using consequences effectively can help children and teenagers learn to take responsibility for their choices. Click here to understand a more about how parents can use different sorts of consequences to build self-discipline in their kids.